Intuitive Sound Bath
A beautiful sound ceremony that includes the vibration from gongs, quartz crystal singing bowls, elemental chimes, drums, and a variety of other healing instruments to help break up and move stagnant energy held in your aura, while bringing the body and spirit back into its harmonious state. The practitioner listens to Intuitive guidance to create sacred space and healing for your group. You can expect a sense of peace, harmony, connection to inner-guidance, reduced anxiety and stress. Held in comfort to let yourself re-connect with your higher self and healing.

Energy Clearing + Sound Bath
A guided journey into an altered state of consciousness to access the inner workings of ourselves at a soul level. A way of finding answers, healing, wisdom, and knowledge from your spirit team, and guides to provide insight, clearing, and transformation. Sound healing with drums, gong, and singing bowls will be played in assistance of this deep inner healing.

Restorative Yoga & Meditation
Allow yourself to rest + rejuvenate with a beautifully curated yoga + meditation to relax the body and mind. To sink into a peaceful awareness.

Yin Yoga + Sound Healing
Yin Yoga is a relaxed, passive style of yoga consists of long held postures to target your deep connective tissues to increase flexibility.  Sound healing will accompany your yoga practice with beautiful healing sounds from Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls and Elemental Chimes that will allow you to sink deeper into meditation, while holding stretching postures from 5-10minutes. The combination of Yin + Sound will create space to release daily stress + anxiety and make space for renewed energy, better sleep, and a clear mind

Breathwork + Sound Healing
A group experience for you, your friends + family. This service Combines the power of sacred space, breath work and sound healing to provide an inner-journey experience, release of limiting beliefs and profound healing.

Request In-Home or In-Studio Private Event